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Home Dog Chews Feet Foot Problems Vet Irritated Feet Paw Problems Cuts on Paw Foot Injuries Splinters in Feet Splinters in paws Burrs Bruised & cracked paws Treating Sores Fleas & Mites Medications Matted Hair Smelly Pooch Fungal & Yeast Canine Supplies Toe Nails Broken Tails Fractures Splints for breaks tail problems Privacy Policy Contact Us


Dog foot problems.  Does your dog sit around all day licking his paws?  Does his feet bother him or are pink and raw?


Nine times out of ten it’s either a foreign objects stuck in the foot or matted fur, even an flea bite will cause so much itching a dog will try to lick it away.

Link to us!

    <P>Dogs and Paws<br>
    <a href="http://www.dogs-and-paws.com" target="_blank">
                Dogs and Paws for information on Dog feet and paw injuries and problems


Pet Portraits and Paintings of your dog or pet


Pet Portraits by Betty
Pet portrait paintings of pet and equine done from photos.  Pencil and Charcoal sketches. Plaques, brushes, signs, and memorial stones with your pet's or equine's own portrait painted on it. Paintings for sale.

dogportraits by Lorri, have a portrait done for a gift



Copyright www.dogs-and-paws.com all rights reserved 2008-2016

feet canine foot problems
The views expressed on this site are my own.  I am not a veterinarian and I urge you to take your dog to the vet first.



feet foot injuries